Friday, January 16, 2009

Decorating Frenzy

Hello All! It's back to school and T and I have entered our last semester of law school! You have no idea how elated we's beyond.
Anyhoo, this semester I've vowed to do and not do several things. On that list is to blog more often and not to take on more tasks than I can handle. Just when I thought I was in the clear for an easy semester, several friends got engaged over the break! Now we are in for a very exciting couple of months with lots of planning to do, but the fun kind. Not the scheduling my classes kind.

Today I decided to blog about several projects that I want to one day pursue, one day when I have ample time and lots of money (never).

I've been looking at some before and after photos of refurbished furniture and I'm really just shocked by the power of the paintbrush and some fabric (and perhaps a staplegun).
Take a look at some of these babies.

dresser before (Taken from d*s)

dresser after! Amazing!

before (from Making it Lovely)


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