Saturday, November 3, 2007

Got Money to Blow?

Do you think you're better than everyone else? Do you have a superiority complex that could rival the size of all the Texans in the world collective egos? Do you like owning things that are different, hard to find, one-of-a-kind because you hate how we as consumers are all mindless sheep that own the same exact things, BUT you're still taken in by all the flashy advertising and are loathe to the idea of being left out or seen as uncool so you buy into the commercialism and shell out the cash money on high-end electronics that will just be replaced and updated in 2 months? No? What, do you think you're better than me or something?

For those of you that answered a resounding YES, we should be friends - I am ALL ABOUT that; I just don't have said cash money to finance my catapult into hip-dom. But more importantly, you should get a custom colored ipod, iphone, sidekick, thinkpad, macbook, ps3, xbox, wii, etc.

Colorware is a third-party website not affliated with any of the above named products, but that sells them with the option of getting your purchase blinged out with different colors. (They also give you the option of sending your existing product and having them customize it for you.) Of course, that custom color option will up the price of the item anywhere from $50 to $100. (Which is why I FIRST asked in the title if you had money to blow. See? I gave you notice. I'm not irresponsible.)

These also make really good gifts, if you're feeling generous or if you know someone who likes owning original-looking things (go up to the questions I asked up top if you're not sure if this is for them. I think that will help. Really.) Try it out at their website and see if you like it. Even if you don't buy one, it's entertaining enough for a distraction when you don't want to do work. Not that I'm condoning that.

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